Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Precious Katelyn

We met Chris and Kim's beautiful new daughter Katelyn today.  (Well actually 2.5 weeks ago... I'm a little behind on this post.)  She is precious!  So tiny and she is bigger than Dax was when he was born.  You quickly forget how little they were to begin with.  She and Dax are going to be great fishing buddies!  We can't wait for them to join us at the beach next month.  Congrats to Chris and Kim!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Half Birthday

I couldn't let Daxton's half birthday go by without doing a little something, so we let him play with a small blue cupcake.  We sang to him, but we'll spare you that.  He actually eats the cake in the third video.  (Note to self: no blue icing for his 1st birthday lest he turn into a smurf.  That stuff stains!)

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Life's a Picnic

Aren't y'all just lovin' this weather?!?!?! I mean, what's not to love? It's simply beautiful and so we just had to go spend the afternoon in the park. Dax loves his new shades! I can't believe he doesn't try to take them off. He's too cool for school y'all! :)

Sweetwater 420 Fest

Stella, Tom, and Stella's awesome mom, Maria, came over for a big breakfast this morning.  Maria was in town to help Stella make a final wedding dress decision.  

We walked over to the Sweetwater 420 Fest is Candler Park this afternoon and ran into a bunch of people we knew before stopping by our friends Tim and Laura Cotter's house.  What a fun day and beautiful day outside!

Life Jacket

Trying on life jackets. Ready to go for a boat ride next weekend!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Occasionally a Poor Appetite Comes in Handy

GrandMouse came to visit today and we took Daxton to his first restaurant - Across the Street.  No, not our neighbor Ed's house across the street... the restaurant is actually called "Across the Street."  We sat outside and Dax was a perfect angel.  Afterwards we made a pit stop at Cacao for a chocolate fix and then Savi Urban Market for some refreshments before heading on to the park to visit the koi and geese. 

Occasionally a poor appetite comes in handy.  For instance... when you go on a long walk and your mom leaves the keys at home so that you're locked out of the house way past supper time sitting on the porch waiting for someone to come rescue you.  For some babies this would be a crisis situation... not Dax.  He was perfectly happy to extend his outdoor time while being entertained until our hero Josh came to let us in.  Thanks Josh!  The lockout was a minor hiccup at the end of what was otherwise a near perfect day.  We can't wait for GrandMouse to visit again!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ray Visit / One Month!

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ray stopped by to visit Dax this evening and joined us for dinner.  Grandma Terry made spaghetti, meatballs, salad, garlic bread, and brownies.  Yum!   We drank wine and ate out on the back deck because the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  Kathy and Ray gave Daxton a beautiful handmade book he loves.  It was so nice to catch up with them!  

Today also marks one month since the surgery and we are beyond overjoyed by how well Daxton is recovering.  Soon we will be able to pick him up under his arms again which will make loving on him just that much easier.  I'm not sure how he's going to feel about that consider I already give him hundreds of hugs and kisses every day.  He is going to start getting annoyed with me one of these days!