Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Fool's

I was hoping Daxton was going to tell us today that his poor eating has all been one big joke on us and now he's going to start eating better... yeah right.  Instead, he decided to start choking on his greens beans and turn blue as a smurf.  Good joke Daxton, but unfortunately he wasn't fooling.  His babysitter Amanda had to turn him upside down and start whacking him on the back until he vomited everywhere.  NOT FUNNY DAXTON.  He's fine, but he sure did give Amanda a scare.  I'm just glad it happened on her watch and not mine.  We're going to take a break from the baby food for awhile.

In better news, Aunt Peggy and Uncle Paul came to visit us today on their way through to a wedding in Tennessee.  It was nice to see them and they brought some GT bibs for Dax.  We even got to have lunch together.  I wish I had gotten some pictures.  

Also, Dax weighed 12 pounds 10 oz. at the cardiologist Tuesday.   He may actually make it into a percentile soon!  hahaha...  They said he looks great.  We can take him off of Lasix next Tuesday and he got his last Synagis shot yesterday.  Hallelujah!

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