Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mother's Day

If only every day could be Mother's Day! I had a perfect first Mother's Day thanks to sweet Bert and Dax. Grandma and Grandpa fed Dax this morning so Bert and I could sleep in. (Thanks Terry and Bob... I needed that!) Then Bert cooked a delicious brunch for us. Bert, Dax, and I had a gourmet picnic in the park late this afternoon that Bert put together complete with champagne, cheese, crackers, wine, friend chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, pickles, tomatoes, sweet tea, petit fours and chocolate covered strawberries. It was a feast fit for a queen! :) We couldn't have asked for more gorgeous weather. I just got done taking a bubble bath. So relaxing! What a lovely day surrounded by the ones I love most! I am so blessed. I hope all you other mothers out there had just as wonderful a day. Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Somebody Give this Boy a Margarita, STAT!

So I'm a little behind on posting.  It's hard to find time when you're having this much fun!  I still owe y'all some Easter pics... they are coming soon.  I only have like a THOUSAND of them to sort through first!  :)  

Dax attended his first Inman Park festival this past weekend.  He slept through the entire parade Saturday, but there is always next year to watch them try to outdo their crazy gnome record.  What can I say... this neighborhood is... unique???  Dax hosted a big party and our house turned into Kindercare for the day.  We have NEVER had that many kids/babies in our house at once.  Our courtyard looked like a parking lot for strollers.  It was fun although I think the dogs are scarred for life.  Needless to say our parties are different from what they used to be!  :)  Wish I had pictures from the weekend.  If anyone has some, please email them to me.

Daxton has been keeping busy.  He helped put out a fire at the neighbor's house across the street last Tuesday, had guy's night in with Dad so I could have girls' night out Wednesday (there were no major catastrophes - Bert just forgot to feed him!), and had a play date with his friend Brannon on Thursday where he created his first piece of artwork.  He even found time Friday to help Stella, Theo, and I select a bridesmaid dresses and just today he visited his first Victoria Secret!  I'm not sure how Dad is going to feel about that, but he'll be proud his son was flirting with every girl in the store!  I wanted to take a picture of him in there among the lingerie, but figured people would think I was crazy... rightly so.     

Dax received a good report at the cardiologist last Tuesday 4/26, and we don't have to go back for another 3 months.  Woo hoo!  Oh, and we have more great news... we found a new nanny.  Yeah... so happy!  She's from UGA, but we'll let that slide since she's dating a Tech student.  :)  She's in Atlanta for the summer for an internship at Children's, and we think she's going to be great.  

Here's Daxton's latest craze... I think this might spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

IMG_0595.MOV Watch on Posterous