Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mother's Day

If only every day could be Mother's Day! I had a perfect first Mother's Day thanks to sweet Bert and Dax. Grandma and Grandpa fed Dax this morning so Bert and I could sleep in. (Thanks Terry and Bob... I needed that!) Then Bert cooked a delicious brunch for us. Bert, Dax, and I had a gourmet picnic in the park late this afternoon that Bert put together complete with champagne, cheese, crackers, wine, friend chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, pickles, tomatoes, sweet tea, petit fours and chocolate covered strawberries. It was a feast fit for a queen! :) We couldn't have asked for more gorgeous weather. I just got done taking a bubble bath. So relaxing! What a lovely day surrounded by the ones I love most! I am so blessed. I hope all you other mothers out there had just as wonderful a day. Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

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