Sunday, March 11, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes

Today marks a year since Daxton's successful heart surgery. Bert and I were in Dallas most of the week. We left too early too see Dax Wednesday morning and arrived home after he had fallen asleep last night. It's the longest we've gone without seeing him and we missed him terribly. We were so anxious to see him this morning, I grabbed him from his crib when I heard him barely stir at 5am, showered him with hugs and kisses, and we all snuggled in our big bed till morning. He was just as happy to see us. I've never seen him smile bigger. You could see his mega-watt smile through the darkness - the best welcome home gift ever!
We celebrated the milestone by taking him to the Atlanta zoo and a new playground. It's amazing how far he's come since his surgery and we're so grateful. Thanks everyone for all of your love and support through it all. Sorry I only have a few pics from the zoo, but we were too busy checking out all the animals! He loved the petting zoo. It sure beat the heck out of being in the hospital. :)

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