Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012 - Texas Style

Only Dax can make spiders look this cute!  He was a great sport and wore his head gear the whole night without fuss or once trying to take it off which was great considering he wouldn't even let me put it on this morning.  Cousin Emily Shea came and joined us -we're so glad because we're sad to be leaving her Friday.  

Bert and I need to step up our Halloween game if we want to compete with these folks in Texas; however, I did not see one casket/coffin.  The best display by far was the politically themed one.  These folks must have put the entire thing up over night because it wasn't there yesterday.  It was very impressive and I loved the ghosts of Obama and Romney.

If you're wondering why Dax is eating his loot in his diaper, it's because we had a leak - right after he dumped out his candy.  Guess he got too excited!  The video of Dax sharing his lollipop with Bert is hilarious.

IMG_4743.MOV Watch on Posterous
IMG_4760.MOV Watch on Posterous


Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Not really, but after GrandMouse's scare, we did get a little nervous seeing this fire truck pull up in front of the house today. Not sure what it was doing there, as there didn't seem to be any fire, but Dax got a kick out if watching it.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ft. Worth Round... Oh I Lost Count

We just can't stay away from Fort Worth and ML Leddy's. Bert and I need a new closet devoted just to boots. We even brought some new customers along with us this time. I personally think Leddy's should be paying us.
Dax finally decided to sit on the steer when GrandMouse did it with him. We tried to convince Mouse and Peggy to ride in the rodeo- don't they look like pros?
Dax also is now a big fan of quarter mechanic rides. He even scored a pony- on a stick that is.
Everything is bigger in Texas, including the flags.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daxton's 2nd Birthday - Cake & Presents

We returned from the Texas State Fair to continue the celebration with an awesome spaghetti pie dinner (courtesy of GrandMouse), birthday cake, and presents.  We had cocktails and an appetizer by the outdoor fireplace (1st time we got to use it - YEAH!).  I threw in some blurry pictures of me just to prove I was actually present at the event.  Thanks Emily for taking them! Unfortunately a lot of these are blurry iPhone photos.  :( Dax's favorite part of the evening I think was the toast - because he loves to "cheers!" and he got a big kick out of the fact we were toasting his special day.  

By presents, I mean he opened like one -Mouse's talk and scan cash register - which was a huge hit and he was happy playing with it for the rest of the evening.   We spread the rest of the gifts out over the remainder of the weekend.  He finally noticed the art easel Bert and I gave him Saturday morning- he has still yet to open all of the accessories.  Emily came by again Saturday evening and gave Dax a cute train that spelled his name and The Little Enhine that Could book - a classic.  Thanks Em!  Dax received a tent/tunnel combo from Uncle Don and Aunt Tammy that was also a big hit once we finally got around to opening it Saturday.  Bob and Terry have a sandbox waiting for Dax back home so the birthday fun will continue into November!

If you live or happen to visit Dallas and are in need of a cake, I highly recommend Society Bakery.  They made Daxton's cowboy themed cake for me based off some ideas I found on the internet and not only did it look good, it was delicious! Daxton didn't want to wear his cowboy hat, so Bert did the best he could to fit it on his noggin'.  :)

It was nice to have family join us even though we are so far away from home.  Thanks to Bob, Terry, Mouse, and Emily for coming to the celebration!  And extra special thanks to Terry and Mouse.  Terry helped Bert keep Dax while I was in the hospital last weekend and my Mom flew out Monday to help me out all week.  I would not have been able to pull the birthday weekend off as well without them.  Thank you!!!