Monday, July 2, 2012

Feeding the Ducks at Lake Exall

To say the houses in this area are gigantic is an understatement.  There is some sick money in this town.  We found three beautiful houses yesterday afternoon while feeding the ducks at Lake Exall.  All are $20+ mil estates and upon further research I discovered an interesting hobby of one owner, Harlan Crow.  "Crow has an unusual hobby of collecting statues of both past and present tyrants, including Adolf Hitler and Fidel Castro. His home in Dallas purportedly contains one of the world's largest statuaries on its grounds, with 20 statues ranging up to 20 feet tall."  Collecting despots, assasins and such.  He also employees his statues.  You can see a picture of one he employees as guard below.  


He must be intimidating at night because a motion light suddenly illuminates him (gun and all) as you approach the gate.  And before you go thinking I was creeping... this gate and stature were just a few steps from some other random statues on the lake.  Bear statues.  That's right.  A lady on the walk backed to our car pulled over and asked us where the bears were.  Had I not just seen them with my own two eyeballs I would had thought the lady mad.  Apparently they were a gift to the city by the Crow family.  I suspect Crow thought they would go over better with the kids than Lenin or Castro.  

Here is an aerial of his estate, because well, I'm a stalker.  There, I admitted it!  Now, getting back to the ducks...  We took some bread to feed the rich ducks and geese that live on the lake.  Needless to say, Dax is their new best friend.  They all decided they liked him so much they wanted to come home with him!

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