Monday, September 20, 2010

Come again???

Dr. Eminem (Marcy Mann) dropped another bomb on us during our perinatal appointment today, only I’m somewhat excited about this one yet freaked out all at the same time.  Because the baby is measuring small, she said she may choose to induce in 3-4 weeks.  (Insert your favorite expression of surprise/panic here.)  She said she will most definitely not let us go past the due date which is fine and dandy by me... I want a pumpkin, not a turkey after all.  Anyway, nothing is set in stone, but that’s her gut feeling as of right now.  We go back in 2 weeks to monitor the baby’s progress.  Gotta fatten this pumpkin up... bring on more protein! And maybe a few more milkshakes!!! :)
Below is another ultrasound for your viewing pleasure.  Apparently the technician did not think our last name was long/confusing enough so she decided to throw a "Q" in there.  "Bet-kow-q-ski" has a nice ring to it, but I'm not waiting in the SS and DMV offices again.

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