Thursday, September 30, 2010

Done With Rounds

I’m done with my group rounds and back to my primary doc (Helen McSwain)finally.  I gained 2 since the 15th which is in line with my usual 1 pound per week.  These protein shakes and bars don’t seem to be working.  Time to start the all-I-can-eat-cookie-and-ice-cream diet.  Maybe more chocolate milk shakes with whole milk instead of 2%.  
I got tested for group B strep today.  Not sure what that is and pretty sure I don’t want to find out.  They said they’d wait until my next appointment to test my iron again.  I’ve been asked to return weekly from here on out.  More doctor appointments.  Just great.  Next one is Friday 10/8.  
McSwain said the heart rate was normal (130) and after I told her Dr. Mann was considering inducing me early, she said she’d like to get me to at least 37 weeks.  That’s what she said to my cousin too and we all know how well that turned out!  Apparently she also wants to start checking my cervix at that time... oh joy.
I picked up a Cord Blood Registry kit while in the office.  From best I can tell, CBR and ViaCord are the top two companies.  I hope it is worth it, then again, it’s kind of like insurance... you get it in the hopes you never have to use it.  
Apparently nothing can be done about my constant tinnitus.  It’s probably just fluid and usually goes away after delivery McSwain said.  Just yet another joy of pregnancy I was never forewarned about.  Thanks all my mommy friends for nothing.

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