Monday, July 2, 2012

Dallas Arboretum

We visited the Dallas Arboretum this morning which is Dallas' version of the Botanical Gardens. It turns out they have a reciprocal relationship with other gardens and they honored our ABG membership.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous- one of the coolest days we've had since we arrived.  It's amazing how much our perspective on hot and cold has changed since we've been here.  95 is now considered a "cool" day!  

Chilhuly's colorful glass work was on exhibit.  We asked a volunteer what happens when it hails... he said the pieces are much more durable than you would think and that they do nothing to protect them from the elements.  Apparently only a couple of pieces broke during that last monster hail storm a few weeks ago... amazing!

We got to experience all the dangers of living in the old prarie houses - hornet nest included!  Dax's favorite was the spitting frogs.  He also found a big mud puddle to conveniently pop-a-squat in.  Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of his backside caked in mud, but Bert and I teamed up and made like Servepro - "like it never happened."  Thank goodness for restroom dryers.  We also got to see our first lake here in Dallas (Lake White Rock) which is located next to the Arboretum.  There is a nice bike path all the way around we will check out once we get a bike carrier for the car. 

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