Tuesday, October 26, 2010

1 Week!

 It’s hard to believe it’s been 1 whole week already.  We celebrated by giving Daxton a new colorful toy.  Although he can’t do much with the rattle just yet, at least it provides something interesting to look at besides medical equipment. 
Dr. Deepa said this morning that all of his tests have come back normal and she has no plans to conduct any new ones at this point.  His billiruben continues to go down while his weighs goes up.  He currently weighs 5 5.9 oz.  She might call the pediatric cardiologist for another visit later this week if she feels it is necessary.  She also suggested I retry breastfeeding him once/day during the feeding which he is most alert which would be the 9am right now.  When pressed she said to mentally prepare for AT LEAST another 1-2 weeks although it could be longer.  They don’t like to give estimates/false hope around there, so we just have to be patient until Daxton tells us he is ready.
Grand Mouse came back for a visit today with lots of food from our friends Brette and Dawn. Thanks Brette and Dawn!  Junior and Hank were thrilled.  We’ve been neglecting the poor pups, but hope to make it up to them when things settle down.  We can’t wait to introduce Dax to them.
Bert went back to work for a little while today, but didn’t get much accomplished with everyone asking about Daxton! 

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