Monday, October 4, 2010

In this Corner, Weighing in at 4lbs 15oz...

Baby B gained a whoppin’ pound in 2 weeks!  That doesn’t sound like much, but that’s better than the 1/3 pound per week we’ve been averaging recently.  Dr. Mann said that the baby looks great and we have more time, but she wants to monitor the placenta function weekly to be sure it’s still delivering enough nutrients.  She asked me to come in every week as well, so that’s 2 doctors appointments per week from here on out.  My next 3 appointments (assuming I make all 3) are 10/11, 10/18, and 10/25.
Whew!  I was so afraid she was going to tell us to pack our bags today.  Which, by the way, I still need to do just in case!  Now I get to go to Homecoming at least so long as this baby doesn't pull any surprises.   

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