Friday, October 22, 2010

World Record Night Cap

Today was an awesome day!  Dax and Jade both made GREAT progress.  Jade got more skin to skin time and is getting the hang of pumping.  She was finally able to obtain a lot more than just a few drops, which Dax sucked down within minutes at the 6pm feeding.  He also ate his whole bottle at the 9pm feeding. 
We were able to get out of the hospital for an awesome breakfast.  We felt like vampires… not having seen the sun in days hurt our eyes at first, but felt great and lifted our spirits.  We also were able to make a trip home for a few hours this afternoon to catch up on some things and visit with our fur-babies we miss so much.  They are anxiously awaiting Daxton’s homecoming  and sniffed us to death when they picked up on his scent.
Uncle Patrick came back for the noon feeding and Dax didn’t spit up all over him!  He was much more alert and was very curious about his uncle.  Jade changed Dax’s dirty diaper… which was her first in a VERY long time (probably since her highschool baby sitting days) which is still mostly meconium… a nasty tar-like substance.  Bert also changed his first dirty diaper this evening.  He was thrilled and can’t wait to do more!

Grandma Terry and her cousin Donna were able to come to the 6pm feeding with Bert so Jade could take a break and visit with her friend Stella who took her out for pizza this evening while Bert took a much needed nap.  He was in such a deep sleep when Jade returned she thought she’d never be able to wake him up.  The outing was great for Jade and she is in very good spirits this evening.  Needless to say Grandma was ecstatic!

Dax had a FANTASTIC midnight feeding.   15mL breast milk + 10mL formula in 16 minutes!  That’s a record!!!  If he keeps this up, maybe we can go home soon. 
Click here for more pics.

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