Friday, October 29, 2010


We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support we have received.  We appreciate all the food, pep talks, prayers, flowers, etc. and feel truly blessed to have such a great group of friends and family.  Thank you all very much!  Bert and I could not do this without y’all!  We are sorry we have not been able to individually reply to each one of you at times.  Please understand that we are not trying to ignore you and that the best place to check for updates at this time is on this blog.  Feel free to leave comments.  We will be checking and updating often, but Jade may not be able to continue to keep up these daily updates so you may start to see a skipped day every now and then. 
Daxton had another fantastic day and we tried on a Halloween outfit.  It swallowed him, but at least he was in the spirit of the holiday.  He gained almost another whole ounce weighing in at 5 lbs 9.6 oz.  It was a team effort day as Terry took the 6am, Stella came to help Jade with the 9am, Mouse helped Jade with the 12pm, and Jade and Bert rounded out the last two feedings of the day at 6pm and 9pm with a nice dinner at Basil’s in between.  Jade even put on a high heel boot.  Of course, it’s nowhere near as snazzy as her air cast!  Dax crushed a bottle for Dad at the 6pm feeding in 10 mins flat.
Dr. Deepa said she will likely increase him from 6 to 8 bottles tomorrow.

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