Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holy Gigantic Boobs Batman!

 And they hurt like hell!  This breast pumping thing really “sucks!” 
We had another good day with the exception of a couple crying episodes.  Dax had to take the last few mL of a few of his feedings by syringe, but he got most of it on his own.  They upped his requirement to 35mL and will probably do so each day by 5mL so long as he is able to keep up.
We got to go out for breakfast again this morning and went home this afternoon for a great dinner Bert’s Mom Terry prepared.  Bert grilled steaks on the Big Green Egg… Jade ate a whole one she was so hungry.   
Hank and June have been spoiled and gotten fat while in the grandmothers’ care in less than a week.  We are wondering if this will be a trend when they keep Daxton in the future… maybe they can work their magic to pork him up now!
A lot of you have been asking how you can help.  Our friend Alison set us up a “Meal Train” which you can sign up for if you care to here.

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