Friday, October 8, 2010

Fetal Non-Stress Test

My OBGYN performed a fetal non-stress test (NST) today.  The test involved attaching one belt to my abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement was measured for 20-30 minutes. I was given a button to press every time I felt the baby move.  Baby B is definitely NOT a morning person.  I experienced some movement at first, but that quickly subsided so the doctor tried to use a small “buzzer” to wake the baby for the remainder of the test.  When that didn't work, I was given a brownie and some ice water.  (How sugar from a brownie is supposed to absorb into the baby's system that fast is beyond me, but I wasn't arguing... I'm used to getting stuck with needles so the brownie was a real treat for a change!)
The machine spit out paper with graphs that looked similar to what is pictured below.  The top is the baby's heart rate and the bottom is contractions.  Those dark plus shaped tick marks on the bottom of the upper graph represent each time the button was pressed.  They like to see the baby's heart rate jump around which is what occur during my test, and the fact that they sent me home meant they saw no cause for concern at this point even though Baby B was mostly sleeping.  Baby is a night owl I tell ya!   
Dr. McSwain also checked my cervix and said I was not dilated or effaced, but did inform me the baby had dropped some.  My next appointment with the OBGYN is scheduled for Friday, October 15th.

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