Friday, October 15, 2010

3 Pounds in 1 Week

I guess those milkshakes are finally catching up to me!  I'll find out Monday if any of those 3 pounds went to Baby B and not just my bootie!!!
A lot of people have asked me how much I've gained.  If you speak to my housekeeper you'd think I'd gained 100 pounds.  I personally think it is no one's business, but if you must know, I gained 15 pounds from when I started and 22 from my lowest point.  I'm damn proud to say I stayed within my goal of 20-25 pounds thus far.  I just hope it all comes off with the baby!
My fetal non-stress test was normal today and Baby B actually moved a lot!  Dr. McSwain also informed me that I am 1 cm dilated and 20% effaced.  20% sounds like a lot to me!  She said that is ideal for a potential induction next week.  Aye yi yi!!!  I got her call schedule for the next two weeks.  She's on this Tuesday (Oct 19th) and the last weekend of the month (Oct 29th-31st) which covers my due date.  I'm hoping if I have to be induced, they put me in the night of the 28th so I can deliver on the 29th.  I doubt they schedule inductions on weekends.  Bert is betting they induce this week.  We'll find out Monday morning when they measure Baby B! 
I'm just hoping I'll get to go to my podiatrist appointment Tuesday morning at least.  McSwain said my pain could be from just swelling or it might be a stress fracture.  I'd really just like some good drugs, but I don't think that's an option right now. Tylenol just doesn't cut it so I don't even bother.      


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