Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Add Broken Foot to the Mix

It was not the best day.  Jade tried to breastfeed again by herself at 9am and it turned out to be a disaster.  Luckily Dax still ate a whole bottle afterwards.  We will try again tomorrow morning. 
The afternoon didn’t turn out much better.  Turns out not only is Jade’s heart broken because she can’t bring Daxton home just yet, but so is her right foot!  She was hoping it was just a stress fracture or swelling, but the doctor said she broke it clean through all from just 15 little extra pounds of pregnancy weight!  WTH?  Now she has to wear this sexy little piece of footwork which is really annoying because she has to take it off prior to driving and put it back on when she gets where she’s going. 
On the bright side, Daxton gained 2.1 oz!  They did not check his billiruben today, but will again tomorrow.

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