Sunday, October 24, 2010

Started Out Strong

We started the day out strong with a record 9am feeding of 38 mL in 22 mins followed by another record of 41 mL in 30 minutes during the noon feeding.  We think he was tryng to show off for his granddaddy and Wendy who came to visit this morning.  Jade’s milk supply cannot keep up and unfortunately we had to supplement some formula which he didn’t seem to like as much in the afternoon.  He only took 28 (the nurse cheated us and said 25) at the 6pm feeding.
Daxton is starting to gain his weight back.  He weighed 5 lbs 3.4oz at the midnight feeding last night and 5 lbs 4.1 oz at the weigh in tonight.  His billirubin (jaundice) levels are coming down too.  We got to change a really nasty diaper today and give him a bath as a team.  It’s going to be hard having to do this individually and without the direction of nurses soon!
 Mom’s swollen ankles are starting to go down and she got to see a nicer lactation consultant today and was given some homework to increase her milk supply.  (As if she doesn’t have enough on her plate!)  She also avoided any major breakdowns today, which was a big relief for everyone.  We got to eat breakfast out and a late lunch of baked fish at home. 
Bert and I decided to come home tonight and although we are happy to be in the comfort of home, it is bittersweet coming home without Daxton just yet.  It really breaks our hearts, but we feel like we can be of better assistance to him if we are more rested.  Now we have a new schedule to adjust to.

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