Monday, October 25, 2010

Rest and Sushi

We got much better rest at home last night, although the drive to the hospital this morning in rain and traffic wasn’t pleasant.  The morning started out strong again with 2 back to back complete 45 mL bottle feedings at 6am and 9am.  Dr. Deepa Ranganathan is worried 8 bottle feedings a day is too many for Dax’s little heart to handle at this point, so she’s changing his schedule to 6 bottles feedings/day plus 2 tube only feedings.  We requested the tube only feedings be at 3am and 3pm (or times when we are not there).  His billiruben numbers continue to go down and a urine test he had done late last week to test for CMV came back negative.  They want him to gain 15-20 grams a day (or about ½ to ¾ ounces).
Dad got “Christened,” if you know what I mean, but he really has no one to blame but himself considering he had just changed Dax’s diaper himself.  Gotta get those babies tight!  Bert also took Jade out for a great sushi dinner tonight at Taka in Buckhead.  (Sushi is what she missed the most during pregnancy.) 

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