Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Introducing Daxton Bond Betkowski

We are elated to introduce Daxton Bond Betkowski!  He arrived Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 7:31pm after 13 hours and 1 minute of labor.  Daxton weighed 5 lbs 4.8 ounces and was 18 inches at birth.  Below are some highlights from labor and delivery.  (skip over it if TMI for you!)  Mom, Dad, and Baby Daxton are doing well!   We want to say a HUGE thank you to all the family who drove so far to be with us today to cheer us on.  THANK YOU!!! 
We can’t even begin to describe our overwhelming happiness.  Daxton is precious, and we couldn’t be more proud!  Click here for more pictures.
Monday, Oct 18th
5pm check in
6pm cervidil administered; 1 cm dilated  
Tuesday, Oct 19th
6:30am pitocin (the devil’s drug ); 1 cm dilated
 8:40am water broke; 2 cm dilated
8:40-10:32am contractions became very painful and lower back pain became almost unbearable. A variety of positions tried (bed, cat, standing,  birthing ball, bathroom); lots of lower back pain; Bert tried to help by massaging lower back with hands and rolling pin
10:32am 1st curse word (it was the “F” one)
10:38am epidural requested (6 minutes after 1st curse word!)
10:38-11:50am   more positions tried unsuccessfully to relieve lower back pain
11:30am pitocin cut off (had gone up to 18 at highest)
11:45am Jade offered to pay anesthesiologist double to come faster (followed by a few more curse words)
11:50am anesthesiologist FINALLY arrived and epidural administered after some difficulty (Bert got very nervous trying to figure out what he would do if the doctor wasn’t successful and Jade thought this doctor better run for his life if he doesn’t get the thing to work)
12pm starting to feel back to old self again
 12:05pm 4 cm dilated; 90%; -1 position; contractions continuing on their own without Pitocin
12:10pm Atlanta Falcons players arrived, Jade wonders why she wasn’t notified ahead of time so she could have dressed more appropriately and put on makeup
12:15 – 1:15pm nap time / party time for family and friends in Waters Pavilion Suite
1:45pm 6cm dilated; 0 position
1:15-2pm visitors
2- 4pm nap time
4-6pm more visitors 
4:10pm 8 cm dilated; 0 position
4:30pm pitocin turned back on to 1ml/min to increase rate of contractions to 1 every 3 mins; Jade was asked to sit up and let gravity take effect
4:45pm “Hot Spots” began to develop and Jade had to recline again and get a little more epidural meds
5:30pm 9.5 cm dilated
6-6:15pm final visitors and well wishes
6:22pm started pushing
7:31pm Daxton Bond Betkowski was born 1 hr and 9 mins later! Followed by mass CELEBRATION!!! (it is important to note a pre-party had been carried out all day by family and friends in our room… did we mention they put away an 18-pack, 2 bottles of wine and several  bottles of champagne?)

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