Thursday, October 21, 2010

Uncle Patrick Arrives!

We had some good and bad feedings today, but are making progress.  Mom’s hormones are going nuts and she went a little crazy this morning, but Dax cheered her up with a sweet email that made her cry like a little baby.  We have yet to figure out where he hides his laptop!  Next thing you know he’ll be trading stock like the E-Trade baby!  So long as he saves up for college we’re okay with it. 
We are making slow and steady progress (that’s Dax’s style), but have come to realize that Daxton is setting the pace and he will let us know when he is ready to go home.  The neonatologist is giving us no estimates so although it is frustrating we are trying to stay positive and use this time to learn as much as we can about baby care from the nurses.
Uncle Patrick also arrived this afternoon!  YEAH!  He got to see and hold Dax at the 6pm feeding.  Unfortunately, Dax was so excited about meeting him for the first time he spit up ALL OVER Uncle P.  At least he’s not playing favorites considering he spit up on Alex yesterday.  There is plenty of love to go around!

Mouse has been helping out by taking care of the dogs and holding down the home fort for us.  She is leaving tomorrow for a weekend break.  We thank her so much for the help and can’t wait till she returns to help once Dax comes home.   Also, we want to say thanks to Stella and Tom for taking care of our pups on delivery day for us!
Jade was discharge from the maternity ward this evening and we moved from the Ritz Carlton to the Motel 6 (also locate inside the hospital).  It’s no Waters Pavilion, but it’s close to Dax which is all that matters… and Mom and Dad get to share a bed now. 

Click here for more pics.

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