Saturday, October 30, 2010

Due Date

Hard to believe today is/was Jade’s actually due date.  The 19th seems like so long ago now.  Almost like a far away dream.  Great Uncle Don and Tammy came for a visit today.  We really appreciate them making the drive up and got some great pictures.  Daxton was raised to 8 bottles a day at 50 mL each and no longer has a feeding tube.  Yeah!   They also switched him from Similac Advanced to Similac NeoSure which has more calories.
Dr. Guttenberg, another neonatologist, called this afternoon and said Daxton could go home as early as Monday!  Hallelujah!!!  They have begun his discharge process and ordered the circumcision, hep B vaccine, hearing test, and RSV shot.   They also asked us to bring in a car seat so they could sit him in it and monitor his for an hour or so.  Mom and Dad are thrilled to bring him home soon!   

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