Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meeting the Family

Daxton ate like a rock star throughout the night (both breast and bottle), but had a difficult feeding at 9am this morning and had to be given a feeding tube which made mom cry. The neonatologist says he can’t go home till he starts eating well on his own without the assistance of a feeding tube. Mom had to give up breast feeding for now, but she rented a pump and is having fun figuring out how to work the silly contraption. She will try breast feeding
Close family got to see and hold him throughout various feedings today and we all enjoyed bonding with precious Dax. He is so laid back and very handsome. We just love all his hair!
Granddaddy is so proud

Uncle Alex at the noon feeding. Daxton spit up on him a little bit. Sorry about that Uncle Alex!

Grand Mouse (she was a natural… like riding a bicycle)

We don’t have a picture, but Terry got to see the afternoon feeding.  We will post one with Grandma as soon as we can.
Dad got Dax to take a whole bottle at the midnight feeding and Mom got to cradle him to sleep which was awesome!

Click here for more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Precious!! Hope he can get his feeding and weight up there soon!!
