Monday, October 11, 2010

Bought Another Week

Looks like I'll be able to make it to at least one more GT football game unless my ailing foot totally gives out on me.  First my car died last Friday afternoon and now my right foot has been giving me fits!  It began hurting about 2 weeks ago and has progressively gotten worse.  I think either swelling is aggravating old injuries or I have broken/fractured some new bones.  Either way, I can barely walk and this is certainly the most inopportune time for these crises to crop up.  
I saw Dr. Dian Fogle today who is a partner of doctor Mann's and my cousin Brittany's regular perinatologist.  She was very nice and told me early induction will all depend upon the rate of growth Dr. Mann sees next Monday, October 18th.  She did not check the growth today for some reason, but did take a close look at the heart and blood flow through both it and the umbilical cord.  She advised I pack my bags "just in case" which is something I never got around to doing this past weekend.  (Add it to the list.)  Oh yeah... she also reconfirmed the gender.  Good to know since we're done with the nursery and there's no time to turn back now.  I hope you all have your bets in. 
Now I have to decide if I can hold out until the podiatrist appointment I made for next Tuesday.  Hopefully it won't be too late, or I may be carting Baby B around in a wheelchair! 
PS- I'm not giving up on going to the Miami game just yet.  Keeping my options open.   

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