Sunday, March 20, 2011

Broke 500 Calories & Gained Another Playmate

Daxton is supposed to get between 500-550 calories/day.  He finally met this requirement with a whopping 520 calories today... yeah!  And that was in only 5 feedings, as opposed to the usual 6.  This makes me very happy.  Instead of spending 6 back breaking hours a day feeding my little man, I now only have to spend about 2.5 enjoyable hours.  What am I going to do with those extra 3.5 hours a day?  I can think of a million things, but I'm most excited about getting to enjoy more time playing and teaching Dax all sorts of things, not to mention exploring the city together very soon.  So this is what it's like to have a baby who likes to eat, huh?  Well, I can't say Dax exactly likes to eat yet... willing to tolerate it might be a better term for it.  In any case, I'll take it.  

I finally finished stringing Daxton's beads of courage tonight.  He's so courageous the necklace could wrap around him twice!  He is sleeping now, but I will try to get a picture of him wearing it soon.  What a neat souvenir he will get to show off in the future!    

In other big news, Dax gained another playmate today.  Our good friends Chris and Kim Swenson, welcomed daughter, Katelyn Ashley this afternoon.  We are thrilled for them and can't wait to get the kids together once Chris and Kim get over the initial shock and awe phase.  :)

Coming up this week... pediatrician post-op follow-up Tuesday and surgeon post-op follow-up Wednesday.  We're hoping the pediatrician will give us the green light to start solid foods!  Dax wants more bananas!

Hope everyone has a great week!  I will post again once we follow up with the doctors.



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