Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy 5 Months!!!!!

So much to smile about today... my cheeks hurt.  Dax is doing well and is 5 months today!  He ate slightly better... now if I could just get him to sleep like he used to.  My best friend Stella got engaged to our good friend Tom, and we found out our friends Chris and Kim are being induced tomorrow.  Can't wait to meet their precious baby girl.  We enjoyed a nice walk this morning to the park again with Grandma and Grandpa.  June and Hank got groomed and  Dax napped in the big bed, but that didn't last long.  

Stella and Tom came over tonight and we celebrated.  Aunt Lala showed off her ring to Dax, and he was mesmerized by the bling!  :)  We even walked to a local bar and enjoyed the super "Perigree" full moon on the way (see below if you don't know what this is - I didn't).  It's been a long time since Bert and I went to a bar just to have drinks and we had fun with the young love birds!  

"The Super "Perigee" Full Moon lit the sky Saturday night, appearing the largest it has in almost 20 years.  The Perigree full moon appears 14% larger and 30% brighter than the average full moon.  This all due to the moon's orbit which puts one side of the moon, the perigree side, almost 50,000 km closer to the Earth." - Universe Today

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