Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Earned Another Night

Dax didn't keep down much of his tube feedings last night, so we have earned another night here.  His x-ray this morning showed he had still not passed the barium from his swallow study yesterday so she gave him a suppository and as the E-Trade baby says, we ended up with a "pant load."  At the risk of TMI it was definitely a personally best for Dax.  He took his entire bottle by mouth at 9am and most of his noon one.  Abbey, the nurse practitioner, said it's acid reflux which should get better with time, but if not, we will need to see a GI again.  We've been playing around with different bottles and nipples trying to find the right combination. We will follow up with his surgeon, Dr. Kanter, on the 23rd, his cardiologist, Dr. Campbell on the 29th, and, if necessary, another GI.

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