Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Feeding Tube...

Another long exhausting day, but we have great news.  Dax's feeding tube is out.  We finally convinced his nurse, Lisa, that it was what was causing him to gag.  He has taken 2 full bottles since then and will hopefully complete his third in just a minute.  They are also allowing him to sleep as long as he will tonight instead of waking him up every 3 hours to eat.  Woo hoo!  We'll see how long he goes now that his schedule is all out of whack.  We will most likely go home tomorrow; hopefully, sans feeding tube.  

Grandma (Terry), has been awesome about bringing us food and supplies, in addition to watching Daxton so Bert and I can get out for a little while at least once a day.  Grandpa also came for a visit today and GrandMouse will be here tomorrow.  She had to stay away for awhile due to a stomach virus.  We can't wait to be home with Dax and the pups!   

I was trying to catch a smile for you all, but you get a tongue instead! :P



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