Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stepping Up to the Step-Down Unit

Dax had his chest tubes removed and Bert and I both got to hold him.  Unfortunately, he has been put on a feeding tube pending the results of a swallow study they have him scheduled for tomorrow morning.  They think he may be aspirating during feeding.  We just hope to get some answers as to why he doesn't want to eat.  He had an upper GI done back in January, but were never offered or informed of the swallow test which is irritating to put it mildly.  

In good news, he was transferred to the step down unit at 1:30pm.  The transition wasn't exactly the smoothest (Egleston could use A LOT of work in that area), but we are here with him now and he is resting comfortably in Dad's arms.  It is especially upsetting that they seem to wait way too long to deliver pain medicine.  It is not easy to see him hurting and not be able to comfort him.  He has broken out in a rash from what we think is the laundry detergent used to wash the hospital sheets and blankets.  We are having his blankets and lotions from home delivered which will hopefully alleviate the problem.  

He will get an x-ray, echo, labs, and swallow study done tomorrow.  If all that looks okay and he can come off the oxygen he may go home tomorrow or Tuesday.  Bert and I have to watch a CPR refresher video and take a discharge class tomorrow so we can learn how to care for his incision at home.

That's all for now! 

PS- Forgot to mention for our own memories, his CICU nurse today was Carmen and his step-down unit nurses are Renee and Ginger.

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