Saturday, March 12, 2011

Got to Hold Him!

Our rock star is kicking booty!  He decided he was not inclined to wait until tomorrow to have his AL line removed, so he had it removed while we went to grab milkshakes!  Turns out a surgeon was around after all.  He also had his CLV line removed.  They have left the chest tubes and pacer lines in for now and may keep them in until tomorrow.  The best news is he opened his eyes, we got to feed him some bottles, and Jade got to hold him!  He has drained four 2oz bottles of Nutramigen now, including 2 back to back, and is eating about every 2 hours.  The kid just had open heart surgery yesterday!  AMAZING!!!  Jade cried tears of joy.  This means no feeding tube as long as he keeps this up.  He likes to complain about the room service, but it is so good to hear his voice.  It felt wonderful to see him look up at us and know we were there to support him.  The nurse even sat him up for a bit in a futile attempt to burp him.  He was given a little tylenol for running a slight fever, but nurse Laura said it was nothing to be concerned about.  We also found out Daxton's blood type is A positive which matches Jade's.  It would have been nice to know Jade would have been able to donate blood for him ahead of time, but we found out too late; however, we trust that the hospital's blood supply is safe.  He is resting comfortably again now that his tummy is full and he's been given some more morphine.  

We've been reading books and writing thank you notes to pass the time while Dax naps.  We also signed Dax up for the Beads of Courage program and, as you can see, Dax has earned a lot of beads already!

It is amazing how many monitors and machines are here.  We get so excited every time one is taken away because it signals progress.  These are two:


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