Friday, March 18, 2011

Making Up for Lost Time

I took the day off yesterday in honor of St. Patrick's.  We were too busy enjoying the great outdoors again in the beautiful weather we're having.  Grand Mouse is here and we've been having fun.  We took Dax and the dogs to the neighborhood park to feed the monster koi, turtles, and geese.  The size of the koi put many of the bass I've caught to shame.  June went nuts over the geese as usual as you can tell by the pic below.  Hank could care less.  Neither could Dax since he was napping.  

Grandma Terry came over for a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner Grand Mouse made.  Yummy!  It was so nice we ate on the deck.  We even listened to some Irish pub tunes.  Dax even took a whole bottle for the first time since the surgery, but unfortunately ended up yacking it all up after dinner.  :(  Oh well, at least he tried.  His little tummy just needs to stretch back out.    

Grand Mouse, Dax, and I spent most of the day on the porch drinking.  Beer for me and Mom, and same old nasty formula for poor Dax!  He is definitely going to be an outdoorsman.  He loves the fresh air and missed his walks while in the hospital.  Feedings have been so-so, although he has improved everyday since we got home.  We're very happy he's headed in the right direction.  He even slept better last night although he still woke up a few times.  We're trying to teach him to sleep on his side and he's not quite thrilled about it.

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Terry came over tonight to help Grand Mouse watch Dax while Bert and I went out to dinner at Oceanaire.  Luckily for them, we came back on time as promised.  :)  While at dinner, Bert and I schemed over all the places/vacations we want to take Dax soon.  We are foaming at the mouth to go somewhere.  Perhaps we'll start with the mountains and I'm thinking beach in May or June.  So many places to go, people to see, things to do... we need to make up for lost time!!!

Thanks to our friends Ken & Holly for the beautiful flowers and Kevin & Mary for the cute fuzzy puppy!  We really appreciate the kind gestures.




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