Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Crib

We met up with our friends Stella and Tom tonight for a much needed dinner break. (Thanks guys!) We returned to find Dax in a mini crib which means he'll more than likely be headed to the step down unit tomorrow. If he keeps making all these big improvements while we're gone we may have to get out more often! ;) The doctor on call said he felt like Dax might go home Monday or Tuesday if he continues to progress like this. He also emphasized how awesome it is that Dax got to keep his valve with just a minor adjustment. This means he has a very good chance of not requiring a second surgery later down the road. He didn't suck down his last bottle quite as vigorously, but it may be because he is a little "stopped up." Donna, his nurse, is going to give him something for that and bathe him tonight which should help him feel better. (Quite frankly, he stinks!). We also asked the doc to put him back on his Prevacid for acid reflux... for some reason they switched him to Zantac. So he will have both for awhile. He had his catheter removed shortly before we left for dinner and they hope to pull the chest tubes tomorrow or Monday. They say he should feel a lot of relief once those are gone. Please pray that he continues to eat well. We are so worried that the nurses don't know all the tricks and that he feels so bad the usually tricks may not work. We don't want to have to put him on a feeding tube.
Thanks to everyone for all the kind words of support and encouragement. We're sorry we haven't been able to respond to each and everyone of you individually, but please know that we do read your comments when we can and they mean so much to us! We will see Dax around 11am tomorrow after the doctor rounds. Keep your fingers crossed that he's waiting for us in the step-down unit!

Love to everyone!
Bert, Jade, and Daxton

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