Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can I Get High Five?

Daxton weighed 11lbs 12oz at the pediatrician's office yesterday, meaning he gained back most of what he lost during surgery, which surprisingly wasn't much.  The most exciting news of yesterday was that we got the green light to begin making baby food.  Hallelujah!  He can try it twice a day, but he still has to get 500-550 calories via formula.  Boo… but hey, at least it's a start.  Dr. Koenig said to introduce one new food every 4-5 days.  I decided to begin with green beans since I read or heard somewhere that beginning with something sweet like fruit sometimes causes them to avoid the veggies!  Conveniently, we received another baby food maker in the mail from Aunt Donna and Aunt Phyllis Monday.  Thanks ladies!  This one, called a Beaba BabyCooker steams AND processes the food which is very handy.  My first attempt making green beans was a success and Daxton even seemed to somewhat like it/know what to do, although most of it still ended up on his face!  You have to check out the videos below, especially the high five.  I froze a whole ice tray of green beans to use until he can try the next concoction.  Next up is either pears or apples.  I haven't decided which so I bought both.  I'm going to alternate between introducing veggies and fruits until he's tried all the stage one foods.  In the bottle department, after slipping somewhat yesterday, he came back with a personal best of 577 calories today.  It's still a pain in the you-know-what to feed him, but it has definitely gotten better.  

Daxton got high praise from his surgeon this morning during the post-op follow-up.  Upon removal of the steri-strips and sutures, Dr. Kanter declared his incision and chest punctures were healing well and that he looked fantastic.  He too was very pleased with the results the post-op echo conveyed.  The best news of the day is that he gave us permission to get out and about more!  No more just walking around the neighborhood or driving to the doctor/hospital.  We are still to avoid sick people, but that's just common sense with any baby, right?  We are so happy… Dax babbled all the way home about all the places he wants us to take him.  His first outing was with me to Target today which was not very exciting, but necessary.  I'm thinking beer on an outdoor patio tomorrow and the zoo, aquarium, or botanical gardens this weekend.  So much to do, so little time!!! :)  

We have a follow-up with the cardiologist next Tuesday who will hopefully take Dax off the Lasix.  I have a feeling he'll eat even better once he's off that nasty stuff which is currently removing excess fluid from him.  


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