Saturday, March 12, 2011

Looking More Like Himself


Got to see Dax. He's moving around a little and has opened his eyes a few times, but unfortunately not while we were there. He's been off the ventilator since about 2:45am and they've taken him off 2 meds (Nipride & something else I can't spell) to control his blood pressure. His blood pressure is still a little high so they've been given him Catopril by mouth to control it. They say this is because his heart was used to having to pump harder and will take a little time to equalize. He is no longer bleeding and he has even taken 2oz of pedialyte via bottle twice. When asked, his nurse, Laura, said he drank it "lazily." Sounds like our Dax! :)
In other progress they were able to remove the NIRS (Near-infrared spectroscopy) device from his forehead which measures oxygen level. He is on some oxygen, but one goal today is to slowly wean him from it. Another goal is to remove the CVL (central venous line) from his neck. He is beginning to look more and more like himself! He will not be moved to the step-down unit today. They must first remove the LA lines from his heart which track pressure in his upper left atrium and pace wires which track the electrical system of the heart. The pace wires connect to a pacemaker that would kick in only if needed. A surgeon must be present for removal of certain lines and since they have already made rounds this morning the earliest that would happen is tomorrow. His chest tubes will be removed approximately one hour after that in case of any bleeding.
Bert and I must take a CPR and discharge class sometime before Dax is able to leave. We were kicked out of ICU to allow for the arrival of a transplant patient, but will return this afternoon. We took the opportunity to enjoy milkshakes on Dax's behalf at Ben & Jerry's. :)

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